Wednesday, May 09, 2007
wow. damn long time since i last posted. haha. i just read my old post. noticed how love sick i was. i havent gotten over felicia... till now, i still don't know y she wanted to break. i read her blog daily. i go to her house sometimes. i saw her once at tiong. and i dont think anyone is reading this. i love felicia alot. i swear upon my life, if she is ever to patch up with me, ill stop my gangster behaviour immediately. ill start a new life. that girl
was my life. without her, i got nothing to look forward to. my school sucks, my life is screwed up. im starting to act like a gangster, y? this all started coz of felicia. its been... 2months? shit. there i go again. yes, its been 2months. i cant forget her. sometimes i think i have forgotten her, like now, but after a while, the feeling comes back.i love her... what can i say?
@ 3:51 AM
Don't let me go -